Wednesday 27 July 2011

PureWar Model

Pure War: A mutated form of war that exists in a pure state of permanent preparation for and anticipation of actual warfare.

My model draws largely from the concept of mutation with sections of the model protruding awkwardly from both narrow and wide bases. The exterior spiraled cylinders convey a sense of pre-thought structure or "preparation" whilst contrasting with the blocked nature of the model, further exploring the concept of mutation.

Monday 25 July 2011

Pachube Feed

Feed link:

This feed displays temperature information relating to various parts of a solar powered hot water system. The information supplied is highly relevant to current times with an increasing interest in green energy sources. The temperature is measured at different points of the system allowing both the efficiency and function of the solar thermal system to be recorded frequently and accurately. The use of many different technologies together is also an interesting facet of this data collection.